To celebrate the Year of the Tiger, The Corbett Foundation (TCF), a non-profit foundation for saving royal bengal tigers in Tiger Reserves across India, have been working on a very special campaign, ‘Generative NFTs to Regenerate our Tigers’ together with BBDO Singapore.
While the trending phenomenon of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) have blown up the global art scene, TCF wanted to use NFTs for a meaningful purpose, raising awareness for TCF’s commitment to helping bengal tigers roam free across greater areas of land so they can repopulate and regenerate their numbers, in turn conserving the vast biodiversity of the nature reserves they inhabit.
Shockingly, there are only 2,967 bengal tigers left in India. In 2010, governments around the world pledged to double the diminished tiger population, but sadly we are still a long way from getting tigers off the endangered species list. Furthermore, even as conservation efforts continue, one of the major concerns in tiger conservation, is the resources available to protect existing and create more tiger corridors that allow bengal tigers from different reserves to move between their habitats, keeping tiger gene pools diverse and the population strong. TCF and partners want this to change by the time the next Year of the Tiger comes around.